Tuesday 17 February 2015

Please can someone help with a translation into Thai?

I've always disliked the game of Charades and I've never quite got the hang of either guessing what others are trying to explain, or been able to get them to magically work out what my increasingly frustrated gestures mean. 

So it was pretty obvious that there would be a bit of a stumbling block the other night in Sukhothai when I went down to reception to try to explain in non-Thai to my only-Thai hotel owner the following problem: There is a lizard walking across the ceiling of my room: should I be worried or should the lizard be worried?

Poor man never did get the gist of my query and I decided that I was unlikely to be eaten alive by it so I did what one should always do when all else fails - I went out to dinner and washed it down with a large glass of wine. 

Problem solved!

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